All Adults

At any stage of life challenges can morph into problems. Hard stuff that doesn't seem to give when you approach with your best ideas and intentions. That's a sign a growth opportunity has approached. Take it. Individual counseling is all about you and what you require to move through what's hampering you. Remove the blocks to your freedom. Learn self-compassion. Discover your authentic self. Adjust or change what makes you more fulfilled. Chase away groundless fear, dispute irrational thinking and remove core beliefs that no longer serve you. There is no age limit to growth or healing. No matter what label society has given you, at CoCreative you are uniquely you with purpose, value and mission.

Individual Therapy

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So if any of these sound like you…

  • You keep worrying about the same problem over and over
  • You don’t know who you could ever trust with knowing about your secret struggle
  • You wish there was somebody who could tell you why you feel this way
  • You’re interested in therapy, but you don’t want to give up total control
  • Other areas of your life are being negatively impacted by your struggle
  • You need somebody to listen to you and your feelings for once
  • You’re interested in therapy, but not sure how it could fit into your life

…Then individual therapy could be right for you.

Please reach out to me today for an assessment for individual therapy or to schedule your first appointment.