About CoCreative Counseling and Coaching

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My Story

 An old story has been told many ways and I do not know the original teller. It describes a man that stood in a deep hole  near a well traveled path calling out for help. Many passed by but a few stopped to respond. The hopeful messages from those who stopped to speak to his situation ranged from going to find help for him, praying for him, to throwing down a rope but there were not enough people to pull him up. One person finally came by and said, "Oh, I fell in there once and I know how to get out. Hold on, I'm coming down." I am that person.

My Experience

In looking for a therapist, you may be looking for a specific modality and that's fine so I use CBT, REBT, Choice Theory, SFT and Trauma Conversion. The most important thing you need to know is that I believe people can change how they think and how they behave therefore changing their lives. Even more significant is that in working with me you are working with someone who has implemented change several times and I continue to live in the lushness of that desired behavior. You can change from living in a depressed, angry, fearful, shame based life that cuts you off from the best there is for you. No one can heal in an environment of judgement and you are able to heal when we work together. 

In my coaching I have a system that is designed for the practicality of bringing about change. Change is not linear but it does have an order to it. We can assess if you actually need to change yourself or the company you keep.

Let's look at your as a total person because one part of you contributes to and requires cooperation with another. The work is co-creative all the way. You are mind, body, emotions and spirit (energy). This is how we function authentically even though having mental health challenges shows a part of you is out of sorts. Let's move toward your healing which allows you to grow.


  • Scripps College – Claremont, Ca. B.A.  Religion
  • University of Santa Monica – Santa Monica, Ca. M.A. Spiritual Psychology
  • Argosy University – Orange, Ca. M.A. Counseling Psychology

Reach Out

If you resonate with what you read here, do reach out to ask questions and schedule a 15 min free consultation.

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